Jonathan Crocker

Editorial Director | Journalist

Archive for the ‘TV’ Category

Inside The House Of Saddam

Posted by Jonathan On April - 28 - 2009

saddam_husseinSaddam Hussein wakes at about 3am and takes a swim. His back hurts and the swimming helps. You’d never know he has a slipped disc because he never shows his limp. You’d never know he has grey hair because he dyes it black. You’d never know he needs reading glasses because his aides print his speeches in huge letters, just a few lines on each page.

Saddam sleeps for only four or five hours. Because when he sleeps, he shuts his eyes. And when he shuts his eyes, he has to trust those around him. And that is the one thing the Great Uncle cannot do. Read the rest of this entry »

TV review: Generation Kill

Posted by Jonathan On February - 14 - 2009

generation_killDesert. Humvees. Marines. Military jargon. Machinegun fire. Searing yellow explosion. Man down, man down… Just as they did with their magnificent cop/crime epic The Wire, writer / producers David Simon and Ed Burns drop us neck-deep into Generation Kill‘s Iraq war saga without a word of briefing. “We wanted you to be disorientated,” says Simon, on the first episode yak-track of this three-disc set. “We’re willing to let you catch up on your own terms.” Read the rest of this entry »

The Making Of… Mad Men

Posted by Jonathan On February - 11 - 2009

dondraper“There’s a lot of drinking, a lot of smoking, a lot of steak-eating and unprotected sex. It’s Disneyland.” If only Mad Men creator Matt Weiner had written that on the first page of his script. We might not have had to wait seven years for the smartest US TV drama since The Sopranos. Read the rest of this entry »

David Simon: The Wire

Posted by Jonathan On January - 5 - 2009

theprojectsAs the greatest cop-drama on TV comes to an end, ShortList taps up creator David Simon on The Wire

Barack Obama thinks The Wire is the best show on television. So does the director of WALL-E. So do the drug-dealers on the street-corners of Baltimore. So, it seems, does everyone. After its six years, 60 episodes and five seasons concluded this summer, the cop drama has become the most critically acclaimed series in the history of US TV.

Read the rest of this entry »


About Me

Jonathan is a London-based journalist, critic and editor. He currently works for data visualisation agency Beyond Words.



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