Jonathan Crocker

Editorial Director | Journalist

Archive for May, 2009

DVD review: Pickpocket

Posted by Jonathan On May - 30 - 2009

pickpocketThe same year Godard was cutting up cinema in A Bout De Souffle, Robert Bresson was channelling Dostoevsky for this guilty classic about a lonely narcissist (Martin Lassalle) who sidesteps society and morality for the frozen thrill of life as a compulsive pickpocket. Read the rest of this entry »

Zoe Saldana: Star Trek

Posted by Jonathan On May - 29 - 2009

zoesaldanaShe’s playing a Star Trek sex symbol and a 3D alien. But Zoe Saldana says it’s okay to be a geek…

You’re in Star Trek. So you’re a geek, right?
I am actually! I’m very proud to say I am a geek. But I’m kind of a cool geek. I grew up in a very sci-fi home so I’ve seen a lot of sci-fi movies, from Dune to Alien, 2001, ET, Batteries Not Included… All these films I go crazy for. But never Star Trek. Read the rest of this entry »

Film review: Ex Drummer

Posted by Jonathan On May - 28 - 2009

ex-drummer1Swan-diving into the gutter with unstoppable squalid intent, this none-more-black Belgian comedy yawps its mission statement to your face: “to descend the depths of stupidity, ugliness, obtuseness, unfaithfulness and fake.” No kidding. The freakshow kicks off as wealthy, famous writer Dries (Dries Vanhegen) occupies himself by joining a punk band whose members are, by their own description, ‘handicapped’. Read the rest of this entry »

Russ Meyer: Porny Or Arty?

Posted by Jonathan On May - 28 - 2009

kill-kill1Saluting the satirist/auteur/pervert who spliced soft porn with ripe art…

1. Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1966)

Arty porn? Three catfighting go-go dancers murder a boy-racer then scheme to swindle a handicapped sugar-daddy. They have enormous breasts.

Or porny art? Meyer’s raging trash-fest predicted the kickass feminism of the ’70s and practically invented campy pop-trash. Meyer claims it was the first movie to show a woman killing a man with her bare hands. Read the rest of this entry »

DVD review: Green Street

Posted by Jonathan On May - 28 - 2009

elijahThrowing alpha-geezer agro and angst over a classical framework (warring families, the Judas, the old King), Lexi Alexander’s debut mixes vicious flashes of authenticity with dopey cliché but scores a heartfelt, ragged wallop that rattles through your skull. Read the rest of this entry »

DVD review: Hard Candy

Posted by Jonathan On May - 28 - 2009

ellenpagePutting the rage into underage, paedogeddon revenge-fantasy Hard Candy pulls a blind-siding role reversal that sees a 14-year-old super-flirt (X3 starlet Ellen Page) entrap a 32-year-old fashion-snapper cum internet-perv (Patrick Wilson) in his home. Her gameplan? Ice-pack. Scalpel. Medical textbook open at the chapter on male genitalia… Read the rest of this entry »

DVD review: Early Hitchcock

Posted by Jonathan On May - 28 - 2009

alfredhitchcockAlfred Hitchcock should have been selling cabbages. But no. At just 27, the greengrocer’s son was already Britain’s finest director. Wedged between his breakthrough box-office smash The Lodger (1926) and the mould-setting late-’30s trio of The Man Who Knew Too Much, The 39 Steps and The Lady Vanishes, this fascinating nine-disc snapshot of his Brit period tracks a genius in genesis. Read the rest of this entry »

Things You Didn’t Know… George Lucas

Posted by Jonathan On May - 26 - 2009

lucas1. Lucas is a boy racer

Before young George fell in love with cameras, he fell in love with cars. Fast cars. Dangerously fast cars. A near-fatal accident in his souped-up motor put Lucas off becoming a race car driver. But it didn’t stop him enjoying the 1995 Monaco Grand Prix as a guest of Red Bull. Much safer, that. Read the rest of this entry »

DVD review: The Machine Girl

Posted by Jonathan On May - 26 - 2009

machinegirlMega-gore schlock-comedy The Machine Girl starts from a place of such sheer awesomeness, it’s hard to know where it can run. Losing a kid brother and a limb to Yakuza sickos, schoolgirl avenger Ami (softcore pinku starlet Minase Yashiro) re-arms literally with a Gatling gun body-mod before storming through the movie in a spray of blood and severed body parts. Read the rest of this entry »

Health: Fix Your Feet

Posted by Jonathan On May - 26 - 2009

feet1Sun, sea and sand mean one thing: sandals. Trouble is, 56% of woman don’t like the look of those toes, according to research by Scholl. Time to clean up your cuticles and fix your feet for summer with this 15-minute self-pedicure… Read the rest of this entry »


About Me

Jonathan is a London-based journalist, critic and editor. He currently works for data visualisation agency Beyond Words.



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